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Aminals In Art – A guest curation by Hidden Gallery

Throughout the History of Art, Animals have served (and still do serve) as an important source of inspiration for artists. Some choose to depict animals purely for their natural diversity and beauty, like Damien Hirst with his depiction of the butterfly in Psalm: Deus, Deus Meus, 2010. However, others choose to depict animals for their symbolic meaning, such as Picasso with his depiction of the dove in Colombe de la Paix, 1961.

Colombe de la Paix, Pablo Picasso, Hidden
Psalm: Deus, Deus Meus, Damien Hirst, Hidden
Illustration from ‘Les Adventures du Roi Pausole de Pierre Louys’, Marcel Vertès, Editions Graphiques
Dog #3, Robert James Clarke, Jealous Gallery
Monkey, Gustavo Torres, Galerie d'Orsay
Vanishing Animals: La Plata River Dolphin, Andy Warhol, Hamilton-Selway Fine Art
Pack Animal, David Humphrey, Flying Horse Editions
Untitled (Elephant), George Whitman, Center Street Studio
The Year of The Rabbit Mural, Clifton Karhu, Kamal Bakhshi Modern Asian
Dove in Flight, Max Papart, Puccio Fine Art
Merengue, Katherine Bernhardt, Lougher Contemporary
King Kong: Big Apple Beast, Peter Mars, Taglialatella Galleries