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Pool Water. Florida. 2024. by iMuseum Vegas

Clifford Singer is an authority on reality. Having produced photographs since 1970 with his grandfathers Leica, Singer has a keen understanding, that the photograph is broken down into color and value as its fundamental parts. In 1974, Singer took the Ishihara Color Vision Test and to his surprise scored 100% adding to his perfect perception of the world. With this perspective Singer related immediately to the Photo and Hyper Realist artists of the 1970s. He was a licensed Lifeguard with public pools in New York’s Nassau County during 1974 – 1976 and remains a competitive swimming athlete.

In February of 1977, Singer attended the Whitney Museum Biennial where he met Salvador Dali while viewing a Richard Estes painting. Both he and Dali while discussing the Estes clearly saw the depth of the picture. Singer is also a mathematician which through his geometries gives him an added vantage point for interpreting reality. This exhibition of Pool Water. Florida. 2024 further demonstrates Singer’s depth of understanding with light, color, value and the fascination with beauty that he finds in swimming pools. In terms of reality, Clifford Singer completed postdoctoral work in philosophy at the Graduate Center in New York under the supervision of students of Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead.

Pool Water Series #1. Florida, Clifford Singer, iMuseum Vegas
Pool Water Series #2. Florida, Clifford Singer, iMuseum Vegas
Pool Water Series #3. Florida, Clifford Singer, iMuseum Vegas
Pool Water Series #4. Florida, Clifford Singer, iMuseum Vegas
Pool Water Series #5. Florida, Clifford Singer, iMuseum Vegas
Pool Water Series #6. Florida, Clifford Singer, iMuseum Vegas
Pool Water Series #7. Florida, Clifford Singer, iMuseum Vegas
Pool Water Series #8. Florida, Clifford Singer, iMuseum Vegas