undiscovered studio artists.

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Undiscovered Studio Artists Artworks

Undiscovered Studio Artists Artists


The vast majority of artists who release prints do not physically make the prints themselves but work in tandem with Print Studios and Master Printers who are the experts in contemporary printmaking. Print studios typically specialise in one particular type of printmaking technique such as lithography, etching or silkscreen though many work across a number of printmaking forms.

The studios will often advise and guide the artist one how to create prints as they translate the ideas of the artist onto paper. Indeed the studios will often give artists creative ideas on how the prints could turn out as different techniques in printmaking, as well as the types of inks, paper and media used, can result in different finishes and effects.

Browse, discover and be inspired by artworks being produced by today’s leading Print Studios and Master Printmakers. Explore prints by established, mid-career and emerging artists all made with the expertise of the studios.

Read the Blog: The Art of Printmaking.

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