Plastic artist and writer, he graduated in Language & Linguistics at University of São Paulo, in 1981. In the same year, he initiated his engraving practice under Evandro Carlos Jardim, at the School of Communication & Arts, also in the University of São Paulo. In 1985, he studied engraving at Pratt Graphics Center, in New York and, since his return to Brazil, he has participated in various national and international exhibitions. Estação Pinacoteca (in São Paulo) presented a retrospective named “Em trânsito” (2007), which showed engravings and sculptures produced by the artist since 1987. Galeria Raquel Arnaud has been representing Alberto Martins since 2007; in 2010, the gallery organized his solo exhibition named “Cor, Corte, Ferrugem”. In 2016, he presented Lascas, also at Galeria Raquel Arnaud, with 15 unpublished sculptures.
As a writer, Alberto Martins published books such as Poemas (published by Duas Cidades, 1990) and Goeldi: história de horizonte (published by Paulinas/MAC-USP, 1995) which received the “Jabuti” award. He also publishedA floresta e o estrangeiro (published by Companhia das Letrinhas, 2000) and Cais (published by Ed. 34, 2002) featuring xylographic prints by the artist. He was second best of Telecom Prize in Literature for his A história dos ossos (published by Ed. 34, 2005). The artist also published A história de Biruta (published by Companhia das Letrinhas, 2008); the poetry book Em trânsito (published by Companhia das Letras, 2010); Lívia e o Cemitério Africano (published by Ed. 34, 2013) and the theatre play named Uma noite em cinco anos (published by Ed. 34, 2009).