Home > Anna Kunz > Manneken Press > Echolocation Green
Echolocation Green by Anna Kunz

Echolocation Green by Anna Kunz

Manneken Press



Edition Size: Unique

Image Size: 22 x 20 inches

Sheet Size: 22 x 20 inches


Condition: Pristine

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Oil monotype on Arches Cover paper.

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The Artist

Anna Kunz

Anna Kunz is a Chicago-based artist creating interdisciplinary works which she exhibits in the US and abroad. Kunz describes her works on paper, paintings, sculptures, and installations as “seeping out of the rectangle”. The artist uses painted and dyed fabrics that function like nets to capture and manipulate light and color, often making work for settings and audiences outside of traditional gallery spaces. Kunz has earned honors and awards from the Union League Civic and Arts Organization, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University, and the Department of Cultural Affairs in Chicago, The Marie Walsh Sharp Foundation in NYC. Kunz has also served as an artistic collaborator for many organizations within the city and around the U.S.

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