Bruce Nauman is an extremely versatile artist and works in a variety of media, including sculpture, photography, video, performance and drawing. He is also widely known for working in neon. His work encompasses Post-Minimalism, Process Art, and Performance Art. Now living in New Mexico, American Nauman began his professional career in the 1960s by exhibiting at galleries in New York and Los Angeles. By the next decade, inspired by his dreams, he began his renowned “Dream Passage” series of work. The early 1970s also saw him create “Changing Light Corridor with Rooms”, a piece that consisted of a long corridor with rooms coming off it lit by changing lighting.
During the 1980s Bruce Nauman began working primarily in mediums of video and sculpture. Some of his work has been controversial, depicting animal and body parts that echo psychological and physical themes. After a two-year break from work at the end of the decade, Nauman returned to focus mainly on cast objects. He was given the Larry Aldrich Award, which is given to an American artist who has made a significant impact on modern visual art, for his bronze sculpture hung on wires, ‘One Hundred Fish Fountain’. He was also awarded the Golden Lion at the 53rd Venice Biennale.