Home > Carl Fudge > LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies > They’re Everywhere
They’re Everywhere by Carl Fudge

They’re Everywhere by Carl Fudge

LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies



Edition Size: 27

Sheet Size: 37 ½ x 39 ¾ inches


Condition: Pristine


The Artist

Carl Fudge

Carl Fudge uses digital technology to open geometric patterns of line and planes of striking color. In his screenprints, They’re Everywhere and Tattooed Blue, Fudge digitized and manipulated the images of a toy anime robot and a reclining nude. The printed images unfold as deconstructed fields of color with a dizzying kaleidoscopic effect yet retain moments of surprisingly recognizable forms. In Tattooed Blue a female figure with cascading hair crouches and weeps while in They’re Everywhere a robot with a glove-like hand reaches out over the width of the print. The screenprint technique highlights the flat intense color relationships further fragmenting the artist’s compositional surface. In much of his recent work, Fudge draws on a variety of source material including Japanese animation and uses digital technology to manipulate and obscure his source into abstracted forms.

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