Home > Carlos Cruz-Diez

Carlos Cruz-Diez Biography


Carlos Cruz-Diez is a Venezuelan artist, born in 1923, and coined as the ‘master of colour. He is considered to be one of the most influential artistic innovators of both the 20th and 21st centuries. In contributing to the creation of kinetic and optic art, his work uses the simplicity of colour and line to create visual experiences for the viewer, while also encouraging thoughts and discussions of philosophy and perception.

Carlos Cruz-Diez held his first solo exhibition in 1947, following his attendance at the School of Fine Arts in Caracas. By 1957, Cruz-Diez had opened his own studio to focus on his passion of industrial design and visual arts. When he became professor of Typographical Design at the Central University of Venezuela in 1958, Cruz Diez spent two years sharing his artist and academic knowledge with his students. He now resides in Paris, where he continues to focus on the perceptions of colour and how it has the ability to produce peculiar patterns. Cruz-Diez’s work is highly subjective and every individual viewer will see it differently. This makes it all the more fascinating, alluding to the philosophical roots of his techniques.

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