Home > Cathie Crawford > Manneken Press > Resonant Reflection
Resonant Reflection by Cathie Crawford

Resonant Reflection by Cathie Crawford

Manneken Press

Color Woodcut


Edition Size: 14

Image Size: 13 x 21.5 inches

Sheet Size: 13 x 21.5 inches


Condition: Pristine

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Resonant Reflection is a color reduction woodcut with pochoir, printed on handmade Natsume paper. This is a bleed print with the image extending to the edges of the sheet. The edition size is 14.


The Artist

Cathie Crawford

Cathie Crawford is an American artist working primarily in color woodcut. She received an MFA from Bradley University and BFA from Ohio State University. Crawford has exhibited widely, including thirty solo exhibitions and many national and international juried exhibitions. She lives and works in Peoria, IL.

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