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Untitled by Daniel Richter

Untitled by Daniel Richter

Gallery Har-El, Printers & Publishers



Edition Size: 12

Sheet Size: 125 x 95 cm


Condition: Pristine

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Berlin based artist Daniel Richter was invited to work with Har-El Printers & Publishers, by master printer Matti Harel in Jaffa in June, 2016. Daniel created a series 14 unique silkscreen prints in large format, 125x95cm; each print is in an edition of 12 on Coventry paper . The series combines the polity and the personal – which is also polity as viewed by Richter.


The Artist

Daniel Richter

German artist Daniel Richter was a student at the Hochschule fur bildende Kunste in Hamburg during the early part of the 1990s. During this time, he studied with Werner Buttner and Martin Kippenberger. Before studying in Hamburg, Richter was part of the revival of demonstrative painting in the 1980s. As well as a prolific career as an artist, Richter has also pursued a career in academia. During the 2000s he was Professor of Art (Painting) at the Universitat der Kunste in Germany, and he now teaches at the Akademie der bildenden Kunste in Vienna, Austria.

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