Home > David Salle > Michael Steinberg Fine Art > Syrie, Yellow
Syrie, Yellow by David Salle

Syrie, Yellow by David Salle

Michael Steinberg Fine Art



Edition Size: 35

Image Size: 52 ½ x 40 inches

Sheet Size: 54 ¾ x 42 1/8 inches


Condition: Pristine

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Original lithograph from 56 plates proofed and printed on a Steinmesse & Stollberg Dufa 813 flatbed proof press on Cartiera Magnani Revere Felt Standard White mould made paper

Published by Houston Fine Art Press


The Artist

David Salle

David Salle is a Pictures Generation American painter, printmaker, photographer, and stage designer. Salle was born in Norman, Oklahoma, and lives and works in East Hampton, New York. He earned a BFA and MFA from the California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, California, where he studied with John Baldessari.

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