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Elisa Bracher Biography

Born in São Paulo, Brazil (1965) and lives and works in São Paulo.

Graduated in Fine Arts at Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado. During her last year in university, she studied engraving with Evandro Carlos Jardim. Elisa started to exhibit her prints in 1988, at the 8ª Mostra de Gravura da Cidade de Curitiba, Paraná. Participated in the 9ª Mostra, two years later, and received the Acquisition Award for the exhibition. That same year she received the Prêmio Brasília de Artes Plásticas – Medalha Miró/Picasso, at the 12º Salão Nacional de Artes Plásticas, sponsored by Unesco. In 1998, CosacNaify published the book Madeira sobre Madeira, with text by Rodrigo Naves, about her artwork. Elisa works with printmaking, sculpture and drawing, and has pieces in a variety of public spaces, in Brazil and internationally.

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