In Francisco Nicolás, there is one common way in his whole art career. The dual concept is very present in his artwork since the very beginning. During 80/90’s Francisco’s work was inspired on the neoplasticism, but far away of the cold concept of this, he mixed the coldness of the geometrical abstraction with a mild expressionism.
Between 2010/2011, with 10 years without painting, he started a new process mixing the landscape with geometrical shapes, mixing opposite concepts such as the figurative vs abstract or classical vs contemporary. In 2016, the process of Francisco Nicolás came to an end because his art practice can be considered as a research process, where I do research about the relationship between different shapes and concepts.
The old practice was over, therefore he started a new one using only abstract elements and mixing both opposite concepts like the geometry and the expressionism showing up my idea of mixing both opposite concepts in the Art History (the Apollonian and the Dyonisiac). His work has been shown in Reina Sofía Museum of Madrid, Royal Academy of London, Arco Madrid, Pinta Art Fair, London, London Art Fair, and in numerous art galleries from London, Madrid, Barcelona, Paris etc.