Home > Guillaume Corneille > Gallery Har-El, Printers & Publishers > Cat And Moon In Love
Cat And Moon In Love by Guillaume Corneille

Cat And Moon In Love by Guillaume Corneille

Gallery Har-El, Printers & Publishers

Dye Construction Print


Edition Size: 99

Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 6 cm


Condition: Pristine

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Screenprinted and mounted on wood.

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The Artist

Guillaume Corneille

Guillaume Corneille, otherwise simply known as Corneille, was a Dutch radical artist who was born in 1922. Although he was born in Belgium, his parents were Dutch, and they moved back to the Netherlands when Corneille was 12. Skilled in paint, print and ceramics, Corneille studied at the Academy of Art in Amsterdam, where he became friends with fellow artist Karel Appel. Together, the two friends were responsible for founding Cobra, an Avant Garde group made up of international artists. The movement had a great influence on Scandinavian art, which is similar in its simple, bright and colourful style.

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