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Late Afternoon by Howard Hodgkin

Late Afternoon by Howard Hodgkin

Petersburg Press



Edition Size: 100

Sheet Size: 30 x 39.25 inches

Reference: Elizabeth Knowles, Howard Hodgkin: Prints 1977 to 1983, Tate Gallery, London 1985, no. 21 illustrated. Liesbeth Heenk, Howard Hodgkin Prints: A Catalogue Raisonné, Thames and Hudson, London 2003, no. 50 illustrated.


Condition: Pristine

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Soft-ground etching on buff BFK Rives mould-made paper. Signed by the artist, numbered, and dated 79 lower center in red crayon. Printed from the same plate as Early Evening in the Museum of Modern Art.

This print depicts an abstracted scene, perhaps a sculpture in front of a window in the Museum of Modern Art, New York, in Hodgkin’s signature painterly style. The expressive mark-making in this print is an example of the artist’s movement in the late 70s towards pronounced gestures. Hodgkin used his hand as a mark-making tool, combining these textures with loose and urgent brushwork.

Howard Hodgkin was introduced to the etching technique used in Late Afternoon in the Museum of Modern Art at Petersburg Press, where this print was produced and where he would become a long-time collaborator. This technique allowed him to work fluidly and spontaneously, creating the moody interior scenes that mark Hodgkin’s work from the late 70s and early 80s.

Part of a series of four prints set in the Museum of Modern Art, New York (Late Afternoon, Early Evening, Thinking Aloud, and All Alone in the Museum of Modern Art). At earlier stages, these four prints were called by other titles: ‘Alone in the Museum of Modern Art’, ‘Not Quite Alone in the Museum of Modern Art’, “Inside the Museum of Modern Art’, ‘Talking about Modern Art’, and ‘Shadows in the Museum of Modern Art.’

Copies of this print are in the collections of Tate, London; and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.


The Artist

Howard Hodgkin

British printmaker and painter Howard Hodgkin is most associated with the abstract style. Exhibiting his first works in 1962, he created continuously up to his death at age 84 in 2017. London-born Hodgkin studied at first Camberwell Art School and then the Bath Academy of Art. His first works used only a few colours and curved forms, though this evolved over time. Later pieces used brighter and bolder colours and forms and had a more immediate, spontaneous quality. His most famous work is a series of paintings of Venice, known as the ‘Venetian Views’. It shows the ancient watery city at various times of the day. ‘Venice Afternoon’ is seen as the exceptional work in the quartet. Its creation was achieved through a complex printing process which used many layers and an incredibly complex printing process to build up its colourful effect. It is now on display at the Yale Centre of British Art in New Haven, Connecticut, in the USA. Howard Hodgkin created an abstract screen print on paper called ‘Swimming’ for the London 2012 Olympics. He won premier art award the Turner Prize in 1985, was knighted in 1992 and awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Oxford in 2000.

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