Home > Jeff Koons > Hamilton-Selway Fine Art > Red Balloon Dog
Red Balloon Dog by Jeff Koons

Red Balloon Dog by Jeff Koons

Hamilton-Selway Fine Art



Edition Size: Edition of 2300

Dimensions: 10 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches


Condition: Pristine

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Metallized Porcelain

Price on Application

The Artist

Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons is an American artist, designer, sculptor, photographer and painter who was born in 1955 in Pennsylvania. Starting his career as a trader on the Wall Street Stock Exchange, he quickly turned to art. A versatile artist, Jeff Koons hardly lets anything escape from the world around him. He uses different types of materials such as wood, plexiglass, glass, marble and stainless steel. He draws inspiration from everyday life, such as vacuum cleaners exposed in plexiglass showcases or basketballs hanging in aquariums. His aim is to make his art accessible to the viewers and create a link with them. He often surprises visitors to his exhibitions by reclaiming popular culture icons such Popeye, The Hulk, Michael Jackson and the Pink Panther.

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