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  • Self-Portrait by Jim Dine

Self-Portrait by Jim Dine

Enitharmon Editions



Edition Size: 6

Image Size: 22.9 x 17.8 cm

Sheet Size: 22.9 x 17.8 cm


Condition: Pristine

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With 17 original etchings by Jim Dine, Kali is among the most ambitious books yet published by Enitharmon. Dine, one of the greatest living printmakers, admired particularly for his innovative etchings and woodcuts, has revitalised European traditions stretching back to antiquity since he returned to drawing the figure from life in the 1970s. Kali was conceived during an intensive period of printmaking and writing in the summer of 1998. The bound and slipcased book contains a sequence of new poems by Dine and 16 original etchings covering a wide range of his best-known current motifs and some images introduced here for the first time: self-portraits, Pinocchio, Ape & Cat, owls, Donald Duck and ravens. Included with the book is an additional original self-portrait etching, framed, signed and numbered. Jim Dine’s Self-Portrait was made to accompany his artist’s book Kali: Poems and Etchings, co-published by Enitharmon with Whitman College, USA. This framed print is one of six hors commerce copies made for the artist and publishers. The printing was done in New York at Pace Editions by Julia D’Amario and Bill Hall. 



The Artist

Jim Dine

Jim Dine is an American pop artist who was born in Ohio in 1935 and was known for his painting, drawing, sculpting and printmaking. He is considered to be a part of the Neo-Dada movement, a style that opposed the emotional expressions of Abstract Impressionism and instead, denies aesthetics by using mundane subjects and focusing on performance. Dine was first recognised by the art industry when he displayed ‘Happenings’ a type of performance art in collaboration with the musician John Cage. In 1959, it was exhibited over six days in an environment or installation in New York City’s Reuben Gallery, where features of light, sound, projects and viewer participation all played a part in the display.

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