Home > Joan Miró > Composition Gallery > Jeune Fille Aux Deux Oisseaux
Jeune Fille Aux Deux Oisseaux by Joan Miró

Jeune Fille Aux Deux Oisseaux by Joan Miró

Composition Gallery

Etching and Aquatint


Edition Size: 125

Sheet Size: 49.5 X 39 cm


Condition: Pristine

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Etching and aquatint on Vélin de Rives paper – Plate size: 34.5 x 31.5 cm – Artwork size: 49.5 x 39 cm – From the book with engravings Trente Ans D’Activité, composed of works by the most recognized artists of the time, as it was completed on July 4, 1971: Jean Arp, Lynn Chadwick, Marc Chagall, André Dunoyer De Segonzac, Max Ernst, Marino Marini, Henry Matisse, André Masson, Joan Miró, Henry Moore, Pablo Picasso, David Siqueiros, Jacques Villon, and Zao Wou-Ki. – Additionally, the portfolio case that contained them was designed by the sculptor Alexander Calder. – Cataloged in Miró engraver Volume II, page 190.

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The Artist

Joan Miró

Joan Miró was a Spanish artist who was known for his abstract and surrealist artwork. He was active in the printmaking medium, creating lithographs, etchings, and linocuts. Miró’s prints often feature biomorphic shapes, bold colours and abstract patterns that are inspired by nature, and the subconscious mind.

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