Home > Jonas Wood > Lougher Contemporary > Untitled (Trial Proof)
Untitled (Trial Proof) by Jonas Wood

Untitled (Trial Proof) by Jonas Wood

Lougher Contemporary



Edition Size: 50 + AP's

Sheet Size: 101.6 x 72.7 cm


Condition: Pristine

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Jonas Wood (b. 1977) has very quickly established himself as one of the hottest artists in the contemporary art world, with fantastical landscapes trapped within the borders of potted plants. Working from a large archive of photographs, Wood combines and then flattens the world around him to show an intimate perspective of modern life. Inspired by the work of David Hockney, John Baldessari, Lucian Freud, Alex Katz, and his wife’s ceramics (Shio Kusaka) the artist crafts colourful cut-out-style scenes evoking his predecessors’ work.
Trial Proof aside from edition of 50
Signed, dated and marked as TPV on the front
Mint, as issued in the original packaging


The Artist

Jonas Wood

Jonas Wood (1977 – ) is an American contemporary artist and printmaker.

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