Home > Jonathan Chapline > Baldwin Contemporary > Standing Bather – Yellow
Standing Bather – Yellow by Jonathan Chapline

Standing Bather – Yellow by Jonathan Chapline

Baldwin Contemporary

Unique sculpture


Edition Size: 8

Dimensions: 31 × 15 × 8 cm


Condition: Excellent

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Standing Bather – Yellow


By Jonathan Chapline

Jonathan Chapline is an artist recognized for his digital and multimedia artworks that explore the convergence of technology and human experience, often blending surreal landscapes with elements of contemporary culture.

Painted bronze
size: 31 × 15 × 8 cm
Edition of 8

Price on Application

The Artist

Jonathan Chapline

Jonathan Chapline is an artist recognized for his digital and multimedia artworks that explore the convergence of technology and human experience, often blending surreal landscapes with elements of contemporary culture.

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