He was born in 1963 in Calella, near Barcelona, the route recognition of Jordi Alcaraz is particularly impressive in recent years. His work has been subject of numerous solo and group exhibitions in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Canada, Switzerland and Spain, in galleries and museums and has been represented in international exhibitions of art throughout Europe and the U.S. of America. Using different tools and materials, as a chemist, Jordi Alcaraz creates an ambiguous employment because of Catalan history, such as encountered in small spaces of Miro the surrealism and also the landscape in the world of Dali. Where his contemporary Tapies created the doors and walls dark, marked and eroded, highlighting both the true surrealism, Alcaraz extends beyond his knowledge of the area. Even the borders created by executives, including paintings and drawings are changed unexpectedly. Alcaraz opens new fields in Zen-like by the use of folding, tearing and perforation of materials.