Home > Jorg Immendorf > Composition Gallery > Surrealistisches Tribunal
Surrealistisches Tribunal by Jorg Immendorf

Surrealistisches Tribunal by Jorg Immendorf

Composition Gallery



Edition Size: 33

Sheet Size: 72 X 90 cm


Condition: Pristine

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The Artist

Jorg Immendorf

Jörg Immendorff was a German neo-expressionist painter known for his realistic figurative style and his use of symbolic imagery. Inspired by artists of the New Objectivity movement such as Georg Grosz, Max Beckmann and Otto Dix, his representations differ significantly from the abstract practices of his contemporaries such as Markus Lupertz and A. R. Penck. He claims that ‘one thing is beautiful if it’s honest’. ‘If you create a committed work, if it is sincere, then the concept of beauty meets the concept of truth’, he has also said.

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