Home > Karl Hofmann > Interbang Press > Slow Steps on the New Hance
Slow Steps on the New Hance by Karl Hofmann

Slow Steps on the New Hance by Karl Hofmann

Interbang Press



Edition Size: 12

Image Size: 11.75 x 8.75" inches

Sheet Size: 14 x 11" inches


Condition: Pristine


The Artist

Karl Hofmann

Karl Hofmann is an accomplished artist with a diverse portfolio spanning over two decades. Hofmann has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Michigan (1998), and a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of New Mexico in 2008, where he graduated with distinction. Hofmann’s artistic career is exemplified through a series of solo exhibitions, each showcasing an artistic evolution that includes two and three dimensional work and themes of transformation and existentialism.

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