Home > Karl Schmidt-Rottluff > Sylvan Cole Gallery > Melancholie
Melancholie by Karl Schmidt-Rottluff

Melancholie by Karl Schmidt-Rottluff

Sylvan Cole Gallery



Edition Size: unknown, but rare

Image Size: 50 x 39 cm

Sheet Size: 62.3 x 51 cm

Reference: Schapire 139


Condition: Pristine

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An fine impression of Schmidt-Rotluff’s most important print.

Signed in pencil by the artist.

In perfect condition, and with a fine provenance.

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The Artist

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff

German painter and printmaker Karl Schmidt-Rottluff was born in Rottluff, now known as Chemnitz in December 1884 and was famed for his expressionist landscapes and nudes. He started his academic life by studying architecture, but, after meeting some other artists (Erich Heckel, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Fritz Bleyl), he became one of the founders of expressionist art group Die Brücke (The Bridge). He served in the army 1915-1918, moving afterwards to Berlin, where he met his wife, Emy Frisch and settled for the remainder of his life.

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