Home > Kate Garner > Zebra One > Bowie Bandaged
Bowie Bandaged by Kate Garner

Bowie Bandaged by Kate Garner

Zebra One

Archival Digital Photographic Print


Edition Size: 50

Sheet Size: 16 x20 inches


Condition: Pristine

Details — Click to read

The images are from an extraordinary, 1995 LA shoot with the Starman, which saw him tied up with ropes and suspended from the ceiling, wrapped in bandages, and put inside a giant tube. They are the only Bowie images Garner has left, after her entire photograph collection was stolen from storage in LA, 12 years ago. Fortunately, a friend had rescued this piece of history by keeping a handful of prints and negatives in his London studio.

Photographer-turned-singer, Garner explains:

‘I was never a crazy Bowie fan, preferring the rough edges of Iggy to David’s personas, but after spending an afternoon with this magician I found him to be one of the most amazing humans I have ever met. Incredibly charming, he had investigated who I was, found out that I worked with his friend and producer Tony Visconti (who said that Haysi Fantayzee, along with Bowie and Marc Bolan, were among his favorite artists to work with), learnt the words to my songs and sung them to me over the lunch table whilst staring directly into my eyes! He showed me photographs of his paintings and asked me to give a critique of them. This, along with the fact that at age 47 he had a translucent physical beauty made him pretty hard to resist! ‘


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