Home > Keith Sonnier > Graphicstudio > Changaloo
Changaloo by Keith Sonnier

Changaloo by Keith Sonnier


Colour Lithograph


Edition Size: 35

Sheet Size: 65 x 38.75 inches


Condition: Pristine

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Keith Sonnier’s lithograph, Changaloo, combines traditional hand printing and digital technology, the image is derived from a notebook-sized drawing made by the artist on blue-lined graph paper. The drawing was digitally scanned and then manipulated, before being greatly enlarged photographically and transferred to a lithographic plate. There the artist applied by hand, washes of transparent colors that contrast with pixilated color patches of computer-generated origin. Also visible are traces of the graph paper. The lithograph was printed in nine runs — one for each color — on light Japanese gampi paper.

According to the artist, Changaloo is the name of an ancient Indian elephant goddess. The image has something of the quality of a graffitti drawing in its looseness, almost like shorthand, and might have been inspired by one of the artist’s trips to India.


The Artist

Keith Sonnier

Born in 1941 in Louisiana, Keith Sonnier graduated from the University of Southwestern Louisiana in Lafayette in 1963 with a Bachelor of Arts, and he received a Master of Fine Arts from Rutgers University (New Jersey) in 1966.
In the 1960s, he was inspired by artists such as Richard Serra and Eva Hesse and their ways of conceiving sculpture, and he took inspiration from Minimalism to create assemblages placed on the ground or fixed to the wall by employing various industrial materials such as metal, rubber foam, glass, cloth as well as salvage objects.

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