Home > Krzysztof Gruse
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Krzysztof Gruse Biography

The painter and poet Krzysztof Gruse was born in 1957 in Bydgoszcz (Poland). He is a co-founder of the artist group “Bydgoszcz School” (1994-2015). His works are in the Leon Wyczolkowski collection (District Museum, Bydgoszcz), the Municipal BWA Galleries in Bielsko-Biala and Bydgoszcz and in private ownership. Gruse has lived and worked in Bochum since 2000. Here he co-founded the FKT, the Free Art Territory (2009-2014). Since 1985 Krzysztof Gruse has been realizing exhibitions, actions and projects in Poland, Germany and other European countries.

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