Home > Marina Abramović > Gary Lichtenstein Editions > Marina Abramović for MAI #2
Marina Abramović for MAI #2 by Marina Abramović

Marina Abramović for MAI #2 by Marina Abramović

Gary Lichtenstein Editions



Edition Size: 5

Sheet Size: 58 x 58 inches


Condition: Pristine

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58 x 58 inches
Saunders Waterford Paper
Edition of 5
Signed and numbered by the artist


Price on Application

The Artist

Marina Abramović

Marina Abramović is a renowned Serbian performance artist known for her groundbreaking and provocative work. Born on November 30, 1946, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia), Abramović has made a significant impact on the contemporary art scene through her innovative and boundary-pushing performances.

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