Home > Nan Goldin > Robert Fontaine Gallery > Lost Horizon
Lost Horizon by Nan Goldin

Lost Horizon by Nan Goldin

Robert Fontaine Gallery

Archival Pigment Print


Edition Size: From an unknown edition

Sheet Size: 6 x 6 inches


Condition: Pristine

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Archival pigment print
6 × 6 in
From an unknown edition

Price on Application

The Artist

Nan Goldin

Nan Goldin is a great documenter of both ordinary life and the edges of society. As a photographer working in Boston in the 1970s, she come to prominence with her first exhibition on gay and transgender people in the city, in 1978. This was a springboard for her to move to New York City and to capture the energy and ethos of the new-wave youth culture that was a huge movement of the time. Her work has at times courted controversy – her depiction of heroin addicts seems to show it as a romantic pastime rather than a damaging drug addiction.

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