Home > Pejac > Addicted Art Gallery > Desprestigio
  • Desprestigio by Pejac

Desprestigio by Pejac

Addicted Art Gallery

Mixed Media


Edition Size: #3/30

Dimensions: 35.0 x 13.0 x 9.7 cm


Condition: Pristine

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Medium: Hand painted mixed media sculpture inside PET bottle mounted on beech wooden base, signed and numbered by the artist.

Good To Know: Original shipping box, stored in humidity controlled art storage facility, accompanied by a CoA (Certificate of Authenticity) issued by the artist.

Price: Negotiable; excludes international shipping and applicable import duties / charges. Please contact our gallery to obtain a shipping quote. Delivery within Singapore is free.

Arty-Fact: In November 2002 oil tanker “MV Prestige” split in half and sank off the coast of Galicia in northern Spain. Carrying 77,000 metric tons of heavy fuel oil the structurally deficient vessel caused the largest environmental disaster in the history of both Spain and Portugal.

With “Desprestigio”, Pejac wanted to create a dark souvenir to human ignorance and lack of environmental responsibility, while producing his 1st sculptural edition to date. The spill polluted thousands of kilometers of the Spanish, French and Portuguese coastline, strongly affecting the artist’s native region.

Turning the disastrous real life story into a poetic sculpture, Pejac tirelessly hand painted and assembled each of the 30 exact replicas of the wretched tanker. From recreating all the details of the aged and weathered carrier, tenaciously stencilling its name (desprestigio – discredit / disgrace), to using a PET plastic bottle as a common example of a derivative product of crude oil, the artist developed a complex process using different techniques and setting new standards for his editioned works along the way.

In the words of the artist:

’This piece talks about the tragedy (of Prestige) that covered the coast of my country (and my region) in black [two decades] ago, and whose damage to nature is still visible today. I chose this particular case, but want to extend it to all the environmental tragedies that happen on our seas and oceans every few years. Desprestigio works as a dark souvenir of a fact that should not be forgotten: we must, and can, be much better guests on Earth. After all, this work is a message in a bottle.’’ ~ Pejac

Source: pejac.es


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