Home > Philip Colbert > Baldwin Contemporary > Lagoon (From the Lobstar Planet)
Lagoon (From the Lobstar Planet) by Philip Colbert

Lagoon (From the Lobstar Planet) by Philip Colbert

Baldwin Contemporary



Edition Size: 50

Sheet Size: 50.1 x 60 cm


Condition: Excellent

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Lagoon (From the Lobstar Planet)

By Philip Colbert

Philip Colbert is a British contemporary artist renowned for his bold, pop art-inspired works that merge painting, sculpture, and digital media. His art, featuring his cartoon lobster alter ego, explores consumer culture, art history, and modern life with vibrant humor and irony.


Archival Inkjet on Somerset Enhanced 505gsm Paper

Edges Cut

Edition 50

This artwork is signed and editioned by the artist

Size 50.1cm x 60cm


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