Home > Pourea Alimirzaee > Provinz > untitled
untitled by Pourea Alimirzaee

untitled by Pourea Alimirzaee




Edition Size: 8

Sheet Size: 60 x 43,5 cm


Condition: Pristine

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Pourea Alimirzaee
untitled, 2021
screenprint on handmade paper
60 x 43,5 cm
Edition size: 8
370 €

Pourea Alimirzaee, born in Tehran in 1988, initially studied computer engineering before beginning his artistic education. In his paintings with their often graphic designs and vibrant colours, the artist depicts himself as a confident, androgynous being with long, flowing locks and in traditional poses, as a thinker, a nude, portrayed in profile or from behind. In his work, Alimirzaee takes a closer look at attributed gender identities in a disarmingly open manner


The Artist

Pourea Alimirzaee

Pourea Alimirzaee, born in Tehran in 1988, is an Iranian artist currently studying and working in Vienna. After his studies in Vienna music conservatory he studied painting at Academy of fine arts Vienna with Professor Kirsi Mikkola.

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