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Sven-Åke Johansson Biography

Sven-Åke Johansson, born in 1943 in Mariestad (Sweden), has lived in Berlin since 1968. He is a composer and musician, poet and visual artist, author and initiator of various music productions. He was a style-setter in free European improvisational music. There he worked with Alexander v. Schlippenbach, Rüdiger Carl, Hans Reichel, Dietmar Diesner and Axel Dörner, among others. For the radio he composed “Trilogy for Wind Generators” (DeutschlandRadio Berlin 2000), among others. He is best known as a virtuoso drummer, but he also performs as a singer and speaker. Wears suits by Sali Saliu. http://www.sven-akejohansson.com/

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