Home > The Connor Brothers > Clifton Gallery > Unique The Connor Brothers Shall Not Be A Cunt Hand Painted Paperback Book
Unique The Connor Brothers Shall Not Be A Cunt Hand Painted Paperback Book by The Connor Brothers

Unique The Connor Brothers Shall Not Be A Cunt Hand Painted Paperback Book by The Connor Brothers

Clifton Gallery

Mixed Media


Edition Size: 20+4 APs

Sheet Size: 27 x 20.5 cm


Condition: Excellent

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Thou Shall Not Be A Cunt

By The Connor Brothers

Hand painted vintage paperback book with silkscreen in a unique colour way.

27 x 20.5 cm framed.


Artist Proof aside the main edition of 20.

The 4 Artist Proofs each have their own unique colour ways.



The Artist

The Connor Brothers

Twins Franklyn and Brendan Connor were brought up within a secretive and highly controversial cult known as ‘The Family’. Born out of the hippy movement in 1968 and founded by David Berg ‘The Family’ was an extreme Christian cult whose members believed in something called ‘The System’. Other children brought up within the cult include the actors River and Joaquin Phoenix.

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