Untitled, from The Song of Songs of King Solomon (hand signed lithograph) Theo Tobiasse GallArt.com $840
Untitled, from The Song of Songs of King Solomon (hand signed lithograph) Theo Tobiasse GallArt.com $840
Untitled, from The Song of Songs of King Solomon (hand signed lithograph) Theo Tobiasse GallArt.com $840
Untitled, from The Song of Songs of King Solomon (hand signed lithograph) Theo Tobiasse GallArt.com $840
Untitled, from The Song of Songs of King Solomon (hand signed lithograph), 1975 Theo Tobiasse GallArt.com $840
Untitled, from The Song of Songs of King Solomon (hand signed lithograph) Theo Tobiasse GallArt.com $840
Untitled, from The Song of Songs of King Solomon (hand signed lithograph) Theo Tobiasse GallArt.com $840
Untitled, from The Song of Songs of King Solomon (hand signed lithograph) Theo Tobiasse GallArt.com $840