Home > Jan Paul Evers > Provinz > Cameralistic Obscurantism
Cameralistic Obscurantism by Jan Paul Evers

Cameralistic Obscurantism by Jan Paul Evers


Archival Pigment Print


Edition Size: 20

Sheet Size: 48.3 x 32.9 cm


Condition: Pristine

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Jan Paul Evers

Cameralistic Obscurantism, 2016
Archival Fine Art Print on Hahnemühle Photorag
48.3 x 32.9 cm
Edition: 20 (3 EA)

Jan Paul Evers (*1982 in Cologne, lives in Cologne, award recipient of „ars viva“ (2017) and “junger westen” (2015) does his work in the field of art photography and manages to merge the practice of analogue photography with digital image processing. Evers’ motifs include his own photos or also found illustrations from books, magazines and digital Internet data bases. “The motif must go into the digital box and then onto analog gelatine and so into the lab in order to fabricate the actual and appropriate picture.” (J.P. Evers, in: Modernismus fängt zu Hause an, catalogue by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2014, p. 72). Our Edition, Kameralistischer Obskurantismus (2016) in collaboration with Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, is one of the rare exceptions in this artist’s otherwise purely digitally generated work. A seemingly non-figurative single sheet that, through graininess and gradations of gray tones, shows a fade-out flux otherwise typically seen in painting or graphite drawing.



The Artist

Jan Paul Evers

Jan Paul Evers (*1982 in Cologne, lives in Cologne, award recipient of „ars viva“ (2017) and “junger westen” (2015)

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