Home > Tony Cragg > Composition Gallery > Untitled, c.
Untitled, c. by Tony Cragg

Untitled, c. by Tony Cragg

Composition Gallery



Edition Size: 50

Sheet Size: 53 X 40 cm


Condition: Pristine

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Price on Application

The Artist

Tony Cragg

Tony Cragg’s first artistic success came with his site-specific installations, which used arrangements of discarded or found objects. As his career progressed, he began to use bronze, wood, stone, plaster, Kevlar, stainless steel and cast iron in his creations. Tony Cragg’s worldwide reputation largely rests on a couple of ever-evolving projects. One of these is known as Early Forms. In this work, he manipulates the outer layers of containers, in order to explore the dynamics that can emerge when they are placed close together. The other project, called Rational Beings, uses sculptures based on Cragg’s drawings of gestures. The sculptures’ polystyrene cores are covered in carbon fibre, which is shaped into a 3D version of the drawing on which it is based.

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