Home > David Hockney > Clifton Gallery > Untitled No. 468 iPad Drawing from A Bigger Book
Untitled No. 468 iPad Drawing from A Bigger Book by David Hockney

Untitled No. 468 iPad Drawing from A Bigger Book by David Hockney

Clifton Gallery

Digital Print


Edition Size: 250

Sheet Size: 56 x 43 cm


Condition: Pristine

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Untitled No. 468 iPad Drawing from A Bigger Book

By David Hockney

David Hockney (born 1937) is one of the most influential British artists. He has explored a diverse range of techniques over the years including painting, printmaking, drawing, set design, videography, photography and digital art. He was an innovative printmaker with technology early in his career which has gained recent traction again drawing on his iPhone and iPad. Hockney explores everything from still life and domestic scenes to portraits and landscapes, whilst also addressing themes in his own life such as sexuality. Hockney’s style is iconic and recognisable with its warm feeling and lively, colourful palette. In 2018, Hockney’s Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures) became the most expensive artwork by a living artist to be sold at auction when it sold in New York for $90 million. Hockney’s work is held in countless international collections and museums.

56 x 43 cm.



The Artist

David Hockney

Born in Bradford England on the 9th July 1937 David Hockney was interested in art from a very early age, and was an admirer of Fragonard, Picasso and Matisse. The fifth of six children his parents encouraged his artistic experimentation. He went to the Bradford College of Art 1953-57. To fulfil his national service, he worked in hospitals as he was a conscientious objector to war. Then in 1959 he was accepted into the Royal College of Art, Graduate school in London.

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