Home > Zhang Xiaogang > Baldwin Contemporary > The Storyteller’s Enchantments (Portfolio of 20)
The Storyteller’s Enchantments (Portfolio of 20) by Zhang Xiaogang

The Storyteller’s Enchantments (Portfolio of 20) by Zhang Xiaogang

Baldwin Contemporary



Edition Size: 130

Sheet Size: various dimension cm


Condition: Excellent

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The Storyteller’s Enchantments (Portfolio of 20)

By Zhang Xiaogang

Various Dimensions
Edition of 130
Signed and numbered

Price on Application

The Artist

Zhang Xiaogang

Zhang Xiaogang is a contemporary Chinese symbolist and surrealist painter. Paintings in his Bloodline series are predominantly monochromatic, stylized portraits of Chinese people, usually with large, dark-pupiled eyes, posed in a stiff manner deliberately reminiscent of family portraits from the 1950s and 1960s.

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