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Edvard Munch: Love, Life and Death
A curation by John Szoke Gallery.
Edvard Munch: Love, Life and Death features Munch’s printmaking career from 1894 to 1930, showcasing his artistic achievement in its true richness and diversity of his printmaking techniques. The exhibition reveals Munch’s struggle to translate personal trauma into universal terms and, in the process, comprehend the fundamental components of human existence: love, life and death.
“For as long as I can remember I have suffered from a deep feeling of anxiety which I have tried to express in my art.” – E.M.
Trøst (Consolation), 1894. Drypoint printed in black ink on Holland paper Signed by the artist “Edv, Munch” in pencil, lower right Signed “O Felsing” by the printer, lower left Printed by O Felsing Image: 8 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches Sheet: 12 1/2 x 20 inches Framed: 20 1/8 x 22 7/8 inc (Woll 6 b.V; Schiefler 6)
Das Kranke Kind (The Sick Child), 1894. Drypoint, roulette and burnisher printed in black ink on cream wove paper From the final state Signed “Edv Munch” by the artist in pencil, lower right Signed “O Felsing” by the printer, lower left Image: 15 x 11 1/4 inches Sheet: 21 7/16 x 17 1/8 inches Framed: 26 3/8 x 22 1/4 inches (Woll 7.VI.c) (Schiefler 7)
Dagen Derpå (The Day After), 1894. Drypoint and open bite printed in brownish black ink on heavy cream paper Signed by the artist in pencil, lower right Signed by the printer in pencil, lower left Printed by Otto Felsing, Berlin Image: 8 1/8 x 11 5/8 inches Sheet: 16 3/8 x 20 1/8 inches Framed: 21 1/4 x 23 5/8 inches (Woll 10.VI) (Schiefler 15)
Det syke bar (The sick child), 1896. Etching and drypoint in black ink on medium heavy cream wove paper Signed by the artist, “Edv Munch” in pencil, lower right Annotated by the artist “Omtrentlig 20 Expl. Solgte”(about 20 impressions sold) in pencil, lower right margin Annotated “Tilhører Kunstnerforeningen (Belongs to the Artist’s Association) 16-9. 1974”, in ink, on verso With stamp of Munch-Museet “Jan Thurmann-Moe. Tekn. konservator.” In ink, on verso Image: 5 7/16 x 7 3/16 inches Sheet: 13 ¾ x 16 13/16 inches (Woll 59.d; Schiefler 60)
Løsrivelse II / Separation II, 1896. Lithograph on Japanese paper Inscribed by sister Inger Munch, “Solgt av Inger Munch. 1947”(Sold by Inger Munch), lower right Image: 16 3/16 x 24 5/8 inches Sheet: 21 x 30 9/16 inches Framed: 26 7/16 x 35 inches (Woll 078 I.b) (Schiefler 68)
Das Weib (Woman/Sphinx), 1899. Lithograph printed on heavy buff wove paper Stamped “Fra Edvard Munchs testamentariske gave OSLO KOMMUNE” in ink, verso Stamped and inscribed “Munch-Museet, Munch-museet 1968, Bo nr. 238-42, Sch. nr. ________” in ink, verso Printed by Petersen & Waitz Image: 18 1/4 x 23 1/2 inches Sheet: 19 5/8 x 25 1/2 inches Framed: 31 3/8 x 36 5/8 inches (Woll 147.II) (Schieffler 122)
Die Brosche. Eva Mudocci, 1903. Lithograph on Japan paper, laid down on thin Japan paper Signed by the artist “Edv, Munch” in pencil, lower right Printed by Lassally, 1903 Plate: 23 7/8 x 18 3/8 inches Sheet: 27 3/8 x 20 1/8 inches Framed: 36 x 28 1/2 inches (Woll 244.I.2 (of V), Schiefler 212)
Celline naken (Celline Nude), 1914. Drypoint printed in black ink on medium-weight cream wove paper Signed by the artist in pencil, lower right Unidentified collectors stamp lower right corner recto; inscribed with collector’s inventory number in pencil, upper left corner verso Inscribed “58 / Celline, nackt” in pencil, bottom left corner; “Sch. 355 b / nur etwa 20 abzüge 1912 (only about 20 copies 1912)” in pencil, bottom center Printed by Wittman or Wilh. Scheels Klisjéanstalt, Kristiania Image: 10 3/8 x 8 1/8 inches Sheet: 17 7/8 x 12 5/8 inches Framed: 24 x 19 1/2 inches (Woll 477) (Schiefler 355) *Note: The Schiefler catalogue dates this print to 1912; according to Woll, it was executed in 1914.
Skogen (The Forest), 1908-09. Lithograph printed in black From the “Alfa og Omega” (“Alpha and Omega”) series From the collection of the Munch Museum, Oslo Museum inventory number 307-39 stamped on verso Printed by Dansk Reproduktionsanstalt, Copenhagen Image: 13 x 16 1/2 inches Sheet: 19 1/2 x 25 1/4 inches Framed: 23 x 30 inches (Woll 342) (Schiefler 312)
Gråtende ung kvinne ved sengen (Weeping Young Woman by the Bed), 1930. Lithograph printed in black ink on cream wove paper Signed “Edvard Munch” in pencil, lower right Printed by Anton Peter Nielsen, Kristiania Image: 15 x 14 inches Sheet: 25 3/16 x 25 7/16 inches Framed: 28 x 27 3/4 inches (Woll 713)