Yellow is a primary colour with associations poetic, spiritual, musical, natural, medical, such as: the Sun, the Moon, lemons, marigolds, autumn leaves, skin tone, cowardice, optimism, yellow fever, yellow, journalism, jaundice, The Yellow Rose of Texas, mellow yellow, NYC Taxis, Yellow, Brick Road, Yellow Pages, Yellow Submarine and Yellow Ribbon.
The colour yellow inspired this haiku: The low yellow moon above the quiet lamplit house.
– Jack Kerouac
Here are a selection of prints that primarily use the colour yellow.
Array 1000/yellow, Rupert Deese, Manneken Press
Yellow Reversed, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Robert Fontaine Gallery
Gamboge, Jill Moser, Manneken Press
llumination, Yellow, Betty Merken, ebo Gallery
Lightrap Yellow, David Row, Oehme Graphics
Innocense (Pleni Luna), Wifredo Lam, Grabados y Litografias
Dangerous Liaisons, Rene Ricard, Petersburg Press
Holy Eggs (Yellow), Gavin Turk, Manifold Editions
Uncle Sam (FS II.259), Andy Warhol, Revolver Gallery
In the Year 2020, Sam Messer, Jungle Press Editions
Yellow Black, Ellsworth Kelly, Susan Sheehan Gallery