It’s All In The Eyes A selection of fine prints that make eyes the focus of the artwork. /svg> Scroll Artworks Back Scroll Artworks Forward Eyes Lesley Dill Tandem Press (IFPDA) Eyes David Shrigley MLTPL printededitions_admin David Bowie, Heathen Markus Klinko Addicted Art Gallery King Size Sleeper (Green Eyes) Sean Mellyn Michael Steinberg Fine Art Lassitude Jean-Emile Laboureur Harris Schrank Fine Prints (IFPDA) /svg> Scroll Artworks Back Scroll Artworks Forward Lily, Eyes Straight, Head Left Julian Opie Krakow Witkin Gallery (IFPDA) Loopy Jeff Koons Eyestorm Monkey Eyes Tim Flach Osborne Samuel Gallery printededitions_admin Portrait de femme de profil Pablo Picasso John Szoke Gallery (IFPDA) Red Dancer 2 Alex Katz Robin Rosenberg Fine Art