There Are Always Three Sides To A Story A curated selection of art prints that feature triangles. /svg> Scroll Artworks Back Scroll Artworks Forward Red & Black Triangle David Nash Gallery TEN printededitions_admin Orientation / Disorientation no. 13. Giulia Ricci Emanuel von Baeyer - Cabinet (IFPDA) Lavender Triangle Charles Hinman Gary Lichtenstein Editions The Departure of the Argonaut portfolio Francesco Clemente Petersburg Press printededitions_admin printededitions_admin printededitions_admin Rinse James Rosenquist Annex Galleries Private: Bagatelle 3 Bridget Riley RedHouse Gallery printededitions_admin Private: Two Asymmetrical Pyramids: Plate 3 Sol LeWitt Sims Reed Gallery (IFPDA) The Large Pyramids Alexander Calder Christopher-Clark Fine Art Paramount (fs Ii.352) Andy Warhol Revolver Gallery printededitions_admin