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Color Linocut
Color Linocut
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4th of July
Emily Trueblood
ebo Gallery
Mining Town #1
Ursula Fookes
Catherine Burns Fine Art
Tips from the Boneyard
Alison Saar
Tandem Press (IFPDA)
Crossroad Shuffle
Alison Saar
Tandem Press (IFPDA)
Isometric Figures (Plate V)
Sol LeWitt
David Shrigley Distractions
David Shrigley
Clifton Gallery
Ohne Titel XXXIV
Malene Landgreen
Art Edition-Fils - Fils Fine Arts
Ohne Titel 2013
Malene Landgreen
Art Edition-Fils - Fils Fine Arts
Amanita muscaria (round cap) Little Red Riding Hood
Jürgen Stollhans
Bouquet dans un Vase
Pablo Picasso
Shapero Modern
Cubes in Color on Color (purple on orange)
Sol LeWitt
InvesArt Gallery
Potting Shed I (Orange/Purple Ombré)
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
Potting Shed I (Pink/Purple Ombré)
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
Potting Shed II (Green/Purple Ombré)
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
Potting Shed I (Green/Purple Ombré)
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
Gertrude’s Garden
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
December, from Months of the Year, Pink
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
December, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
November, from Months of the Year, Pink
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
November, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
October, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
October, from Months of the Year, Pink
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
September, from Months of the Year, Pink
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
September, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
August, from Months of the Year, Pink
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
August, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
July, from Months of the Year, Pink
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
July, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
June, from Months of the Year, Pink
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
June, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
May, from Months of the Year, Pink
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
May, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
April, from Months of the Year, Pink
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
March, from Months of the Year, Pink
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
March, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
February, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
January, from Months of the Year, Green
Rory Hutton
Shapero Modern
Portrait of a Poet
Alex Katz
Baldwin Contemporary
Hotel Chelsea
Dave Lefner
Jim Kempner Fine Art
Sugar Daddy
Dave Lefner
Jim Kempner Fine Art
Be Kissed and Often 2
Eileen Cooper RA
Sims Reed Gallery (IFPDA)
Jeanette Pasin Sloan
Turner Carroll Gallery
Traité des excitants modernes 07
Pierre Alechinsky
Winwood Gallery
Traité des excitants modernes 06
Pierre Alechinsky
Winwood Gallery