Neo Pop – A Guest Curated On-line Print Exhibition
We are delighted to have Pascal Vogtle from Vogtle Contemporary, Switzerland as guest curator.
Neo-Pop! is a special exhibition featuring a diverse range of works, inspired by the colorful and graphic nature of Pop Art and its enduring influence.
The term Neo Pop, which lacks a clear definition, was introduced in order to group those artists together who made works that had been influenced by Pop Art, but who did without a socio-political intentions. was mostly referencing the oeuvre of Andy Warhol.
The best known Neo Pop artist, without any doubt, is Jeff Koons (born in 1955). His works are entirely made by other people who follow his instructions, they borrow their subjects from everyday culture and are thus quite similar to early works of Pop Art.
Banal motifs that can almost be regarded as kitsch, are isolated and changed in size, material or context and are thus ennobled to art. Jeff Koons’ concept of art seems to re-echo what Andy Warhol once said: “all is pretty”. Jeff Koons put his art into the following words: “… the trivial can be our salvation, especially today. Banality is one of the most important means at our disposal. … It is a major temptation, as one has the unintended idea of being superior.”
Besides Jeff Koons, the Japanese artist Takashi Murakami (born in 1962) with his comic-like works in strong colors, can be also be regarded as a Neo Pop artist.
Neo-Pop! includes works by highly sought-after artists, such as Jeff Koons, Robert Longo, Yoshitomo Nara, Takashi Murakami and Marilyn Minter among others.