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DL Warfield Biography

A graduate of Washington University’s School of Fine Arts, Warfield is known as a creative crusader and cultural architect, having a multitude of talent, motivation and persistence. His most prolific works are from the DOPE Collection, AmericanFlagRemix, The Greatest and MyBFisBLK. He has also been involved in the music industry, designing album artwork for Usher, TLC, Outkast and Pink. His creative company, GOLDFINGER, has delivered works for Nike, Sprite, Heineken, Anheuser-Busch, Geffen Records, Sony Latin Entertainment, DreamWorks, SonyBMG, OutKast Inc., Universal Records, HBO, Virgin Records, Coca-Cola, Adidas, Church’s Chicken, Vibe Magazine, Atlanta’s 97.1, and automotive giant GMC.

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