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Larry Poons Biography

Larry Poons’ lyrical color paintings were first exhibited at the Greene Gallery in 1962 and left an immediate impression upon the artists, critics, and collectors who saw the show. He quickly became the most talked about of the new generation of artists of the sixties. During that period, his work was included in exhibitions held at the Museum of Modern Art and Whitney Museum of American Art, where he was represented in the show, Art of the United States: 1670-1966. Mr. Poons taught painting at the Art Students League from 1966 to 1970. He returned to teach at the League in 1997. Born in Tokyo and raised in the United States, he attended the New England Conservatory of Music and the Boston Museum School. His paintings are in the collections of many major museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Los Angeles County Museum, the Chicago Art Institute, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Tate Gallery in London. During the last thirty years his work has been included in hundreds of solo and group exhibitions including many contemporary exhibitions at major museums and galleries around the world.

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