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Mary Weatherford Biography

1963, Born in Ojai, CA
Lives and works in Los Angeles

M.F.A. Milton Avery School of the Arts, Bard College
Whitney Independent Study Program, Helena Rubenstein Fellow
B.A. Princeton University, Art History/Visual Arts, Louis B. Sudler Prize in the Arts

Los Angeles, David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
The Bakersfield Paintings, LA>< Art, Los Angeles, CA
Manhattan, Brennan & Griffin, New York, NY
The Bakersfield Project, Todd Madigan Gallery, California State University at Bakersfield, CA
Cave at Pismo, Brennan & Griffin, New York, NY
Sister and Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CA
Sister, Los Angeles, CA
Shane Campbell Gallery, Oak Park, IL
Sister, Los Angeles, CA
Shane Campbell Gallery, Oak Park, IL
Debs & Co., New York, NY
Debs & Co., New York, NY
Thomas Korzelius Fine Art, New York, NY
Ralph Wernicke, UNFAIR, Cologne
Margulies Taplin Gallery, Boca Raton, FL
BlumHelman Warehouse, New York, NY
Marc Jancou Gallery, Zurich
Diane Brown Gallery, New York, NY
P.S. 1 Museum, Institute for Art and Urban Resources, Long Island City, New York, NY

Caught Looking: Simone Gad, Tracy Nakayama, Ruby Neri, Lauralee Pope, Mary Weatherford, Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, CA
Moira Dryer Project, Eleven Rivington, New York, NY
Landscape into Abstraction, curated by Dan Cameron, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, CA
Hotbox Forever, Steven Wolf Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA
CULM, organized by Sayre Gomez and JPW3, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Sam Falls, Mark Hagen, James Hayward, Mary Weatherford, International Art Objects, Los Angeles, CA
Take Shelter In The World, curated by Dushko Petrovich, Boston University Art Gallery, Boston, MA
A Painting Show, Harris Lieberman Gallery, New York, NY
Midnight in Malibu, curated by Zach Harris, Meulensteen Gallery, New York, NY
The LAst Show, Cottage Home, Los Angeles
Kristin Calabrese, Andy Parker, Mary Wheatherford, Roger White, Sister, Los Angeles, CA
Artificial Paradises, curated by Sarah Jane Bruce, ACME., Los Angeles, CA
These are a Few, JGM Galerie, Paris
The Noble Savage and the Little Tramp, curated by Hannah Whitaker, Mount Tremper Arts, Mount Tremper, NY
Abstractionists Unite! Who Give You Just Enough to Last a Lifetime, curated by Nancy Chaikin, Glendale College Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
The Ballad Becomes an Anthem, curated by Stephan Westfall, ACME., Los Angeles, CA
Group Show, Sister, Los Angeles, CA
California Biennial 2008, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach
Something about Mary, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California
Hotel California, Glendale College Art Gallery, Glendale, California
The Trace of a Trace of a Trace, Perry Rubenstein Gallery, New York
Faure & Light Gallery, Santa Monica
Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? curated by Katherine Berhardt, Champion Fine Art, Los Angeles
8 artists, curated by Shane Campbell, Acuna Hansen Gallery, Los Angeles
Painting & Sculpture, Marc Moore Gallery, Santa Monica
Eastman, Weatherford & Arnold, Daniel Hug Gallery, Los Angeles
Still or Sparkling, organized by Nancy Chaikin for John Connelly Presents, New York
Cats, Acme, Los Angeles
The Stray Show, boom, Chicago
What a Painting Can Do, Hayworth, Los Angeles
Artists at Work, Michael’s, Santa Monica
Simmer, Echo Park Projects, Los Angeles, organized by Ciara Ennis
New Angeles, The Ewing Gallery, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
New Angeles, curated by Bill Conger, University Galleries, Illinois State University, Normal
Sharing Sunsets, MOCA Tucson, curated by Julie Deamer
Modern Art from the Collection of Steve M. Jacobson, Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, Amherst
Bloodlines, Roberts & Tilton, Los Angeles
Chicagoprojectroom and Laura Owens’ studio, Los Angeles, curated by Laura Owens
Eugene Binder, Long Island City, New York
People are (still) Animals, a Three Day Weekend event at Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Los Angeles
Paintland, a project by Terry Meyers, lemon sky and Schmidt Contemporary Art of Los Angeles, Los Angeles
as i love you you become more pretty, organized by Karin Gulbran, 937 N. Hudson, Los Angeles
People are Animals, a Three Day Weekend event at ArtFrankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
Drawing in the Present Tense, Parsons School of Design, New York, curated by George Negroponte and Roger Shepherd
Love, Cynthia Broan Gallery, curated by Douglas Kelley with Michael St. John, New York
Stars of Track and Field, Debs & Co., New York
Life in Space, a Three Day Weekend event at CCAC, San Francisco, CA
a ball and a bat, curated by Michael St. John, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, Oregon
OM, Dorsky Gallery, curated by Joe Fyfe, New York
Bowie, Rupert Goldsworthy Gallery, New York
Little, Jeffrey Coploff Fine Art Ltd., New York
Very Large Array, Debs & Co., New York
Primarily Paint, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego
What a Wonderful World, curated by Lithgow Osborne, Unfinished, Brooklyn
Wall Street Walk, John Good, New York
A Vital Matrix, Domestic Setting, Los Angeles
Whateva, Dru Arstark, New York
Don't Postpone Joy, or Collecting can be Fun, curated by Rudi Molacek, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz and The Austrian Institute, New York
A Chicken in Every Pot, Fawbush Gallery, New York
Aero, New York
The Bestiary, BlumHelman Gallery, New York
Cadavre Exquis, The Drawing Center, New York
Contemporary Drawing, Arena Gallery, New York
A Private View: Artists' Photographs, BlumHelman Gallery, New York
Painting Culture, University of California at Irvine Fine Arts Gallery, Irvine
Postcards from Alphaville: Jean Luc Godard in Contemporary Art, 1963-1992, P.S. 1 Museum, Long Island City
Ornament: Ho Hum All Ye Faithful, John Post Lee Gallery, New York
Paint, BlumHelman Gallery, New York
Tattoo Collection, Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
Summer Show, BlumHelman Warehouse, New York
The Real Thing, curated by Eric Oppenheim, New York
Contemporary Surfaces, curated by Rick Ward, Pamela Auchincloss Gallery, New York
Abstraction, Betsy Senior Contemporary Prints, New York
Synthesis, John Good Gallery, New York
Hybrid Abstract, curated by Joshua Decter, Usdan Gallery, Bennington College, Vermont
Lyric: Uses of Beauty at the End of the Century, White Columns, New York
Painting Culture, curated by Deb Kass, fiction/nonfiction, New York
Plastic Fantastic Lover (object a), BlumHelman Warehouse, New York
Emerging Art 1990: Commodities Corporation Collection, New Jersey State Art Museum, Trenton
To Know a Hawk from a Handsaw, Wolff Gallery, New York
Collectors' Choice of Emerging Artists, Vered Gallery, East Hampton
Stendahl Syndrome: The Cure, Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
New Directions, curated by Sam Hunter, S. Bitter Larkin Gallery, New York
Information, curated by Robert Nickas, Terrain Gallery, San Francisco
About Round/Round About, Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund
Drawings, Wolff Gallery, New York
Summer Show, Diane Brown Gallery, New York
Indoor /Outdoor, El Bohio, New York


Jerry Saltz, "Seeing Out Loud: Jerry Saltz on the Brief, Great Career of Moira Dryer," Vulture.com, January 30, 2014
"Moira Dryer Project," The New Yorker, Goings on About Town: Art, January 27, 2014
Roberta Smith, "Moira Dryer Project," The New York Times, January 16, 2014
Diane Solway, "Site Unseen," WMagazine.com, Culture, Travel, December 13, 2013
Chris Wyrick, "L.A.'s Hottest Artists Right Now," The Hollywood Reporter, November 8, 2013, p. 54
"Mary Weatherford," Paper Monument, Portfolio, Number 4, Summer 2013
Leigh Markopoulos, "Painting Expanded," ArtPractical.com, April 15, 2013
*Mary Weatherford: Bakersfield Paintings, edited by Matthew Schum, Los Angeles: LAXART, 2012
Halperin, Julia, "Mary Weatherford's 'Manhattan' at Brennan & Griffin,"Artinfo.com, Year in Review, December 21, 2013
Peetz, John Arthur, "Mary Weatherford," Artforum.com, Critics' Picks, September 28, 2012
Schwabsky, Barry, "Mary Weatherford," Artforum, Reviews, December 2012, p. 277
Higgs, Matthew, "David Korty and Mary Weatherford," Artforum, Best of 2012, December 2012, p. 237
Mizota, Sharon, "A poetic mood captured in neon," Los Angeles Times, Around the Galleries, October 12, 2012, p. D14
Smith, Roberta, "Mary Weatherford," The New York Times, Art in Review, September 14, 2012, p. C27
Willhite, Brian N., "Bakersfield streets glow under neon lights of artist Mary Weatherford," The Runner, California State University Bakersfield, Entertainment, February 15, 2012, p. 5 2011
Walter Robinson, “Weekend Update,” Artnet, June 25, 2011.
Howard Halle, "Five Galleries Worth Visiting This Spring," Time Out New York, March 2011.
Grant Walquist, “The Ballad that Becomes an Anthem” at Acme, Art LTD, May 2009.
Sam Erenberg, “The Ballad that Becomes an Anthem”, The Magazine LA, May 2009.
Rachel Kushner, "The Next Blue Chips," C Magazine, March, pp. 85-87, 132, 134.
Christopher Knight, “Flourishing on their vines,” Los Angeles Times, Friday, November 14, 2008, p. E19
Christopher Knight, “Don’t take it lying down: 2008 California Biennial,” Los Angeles Times, Tuesday, November 4, 2008, p. E1
Sharon Mizota, “Eureka moments: California Biennial,” Los Angeles Times, Sunday, October 19, 2008, p. F1
Christopher Knight, “45 Painters under 45,” Los Angeles Times, Sunday, December 2, 2007, p. F1.
Amra Brooks, “Must See Art,” LA Weekly, May 18-24, 2007 p. 68.
Brian Sholis, “Mary Weatherford, 6/19/06” in Critics’ Picks, Artforum.com, June 19, 2006.
Amra Brooks, “Mary Weatherford” in Los Angeles Round Up, Artinfo.com, January 2006.
Roberta Smith, “Girls Gone Wild,” The New York Times, Friday, July 4, 2004, p. B29.
“Girls Gone Wild,” The New Yorker, June 30, 2003, p.24.
Julie Deamer, “Sharing Sunsets,” www.cherry-art.com
Claudine Ise, “Couglan, Reeder, Root, Weatherford, chicagoprojectroom, Los Angeles,” Tema Celeste, September-October, 2001.
Robert Mahoney, “Mary Weatherford”, Time Out New York, January 4-11, 2001.
John Zinsser, “Painter’s Journal”, Artnet.com, January 16, 2001.
“Mary Weatherford”, The New Yorker, December 25, 2000; January 1, 2001.
Ken Johnson, “Mary Weatherford”, The New York Times, December 22, 2000.
Joe Fyfe, “OM”, Dorsky Gallery, exhibition catalog.
D.K. Row, “Painter’s Paradise”, The Oregonian, Feb 3, p. E1.
Barry Schwabsky, “Mary Weatherford: Works on Paper. Thomas Korzelius Fine Art, New York,” Art on Paper, March April 1999, p. 64.
Nancy Princenthal, “Mary Weatherford at Debs & Co,” Art in America, July, p.92.
Dale Peck, “Easter,” Debs & Co. exhibition catalogue.
Brad Goldfarb, "Stop and Smell the Roses," Interview, May 1997.
Neil Kendricks, "Primarily Paint," The San Diego Union Tribune, February 6, 1997.
Robert L. Pincus, "Many Movements Render 'Paint' Lively but Random," The San Diego Union Tribune, March 2, 1997.
Toby Crockett, A Vital Matrix, exhibition catalogue: Domestic Setting, Los Angeles
Time Capsule: Creative Time.
Laura Cottingham, "The Feminist Continuum: Art after 1970," The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970's, History and Impact: Abrams.
Amine Haase, "Liebe hinter der Pansertur," Kolner Stadt Anzeiger, November 11, 1993.
J. Hoberman, "Jean Luc Godard: Picasso, Marx and Coca Cola," ARTnews, February 1993.
Meyer Raphael Rubenstein, Postcards From Alphaville, exhibition catalogue, P.S. 1 Museum
Dan Cameron, "Don't Look Now," Frieze, Issue 3, 1992.
Ken Johnson, "Mary Weatherford at BlumHelman Warehouse," Art in America, May 1992.
Tom Kalin, "Plastic Fantastic Lover (object a), Artforum, January, 1992.
Mary Weatherford, "Fleur du Mal," Tema Celeste, November 1992.
Eric Oppenheim, The Real Thing, exhibition catalogue
Timothy C. Wu, "A Rose Garden in New York City," Princeton Alumni Weekly, April 5, 1992.
"Mary Weatherford," The Print Collector's Newsletter, January 1992.
Zan Dubin, "Painting Themselves Out of a Corner," The Los Angeles Times, October 10, 1992.
Cathy Curtis, "Women's Work: Rich, Shocking," The Los Angeles Times, October 16, 1992.
Lydia Liberio, "What if Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein had been Women?" The Irvine World News, October 15, 1992.
Catherine Liu, Plastic Fantastic Lover (object a), exhibition catalogue, BlumHelman Warehouse
Steven Evans, "Painting Culture," NYQ, November 10, 1991.
Michael Kimmelman, "Painting Culture," The New York Times, November 1, 1991.
John Zinsser, "Geometry and It's Discontents," Tema Celeste, autumn, 1991.
Elizabeth Hess, "Death to the Masters," The Village Voice, October 22, 1991.
K.K. Kozik, "Lyric," Cover, May 1991.
Gerrit Henry, "Stendahl Syndrome: The Cure at Andrea Rosen Gallery," Contemporanea, November 1990.
Sam Hunter, Emerging Art 1990, exhibition catalogue, New Jersey State Art Museum, Trenton.
Phyliss Braff, "Collectors' Diversified Choices," The New York Times, September 9, 1990.
Alastair Gordon, "11 Artists 'Emerge' at Gallery in East Hampton," Newsday, August 31, 1990.
Connie Sica, "Collectors' Choice in the Art Dance," The Sag Harbor Express, August 30, 1990.
Stendahl Syndrome, The Cure, exhibition catalogue, Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York.
Lilly Wei, "Making Art, Making Money," Art in America, July 1990.
Robert Mahoney, "New York in Review," Arts Magazine, April 1990.
Sam Hunter, New Directions, exhibition catalogue, S. Bitter- Larkin Gallery, New York.
Alexandra Anderson, "Mary Weatherford at Diane Brown Gallery," ARTNOW, video magazine
Roberta Smith, " Fresh, Hot and Headed for Fame," The New York Times, January 5, 1990.
Alexandra Anderson, "The Next Generation," Smart Magazine, September-October, 1989.
Sandy Auriti, "New York," Cento Cose, November 1989.

2009 The Durfee Foundation ARC Grant
2008 California Community Foundation Palevsky Fellowship for Visual Artists

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