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Paul Cezanne Biography


Paul Cezanne was a French artist commonly referred to as the “father of mothern art”. Cezanne was born in 1839 in Provence, the South of France. His father was the co-founder of a prosperous banking firm that remained successfull through Paul Cezanne’s life, ensuring his financial security and eventually in a sizeable inheritance.

Going against the wishes of his parents, Cazenne was determined to pursue art and moved to Paris. It was there that Cezanne met the Impressionist
artist Camille Pasarro. Initially Pissarro assumed the position of master and Cazenne of discipile, but over the following decade their professional relationship progressed to one of equal collaboration.

Cazenne’s work was first shown in the first ‘Salon des Refuses’ exhibition, 1863. This exhibition displayed art not accepted by the jury of the official Paris Salon. His work was rejected by the Salon every year from 1864 to 1869, the only time a piece of his was accepted being in 1866, though he continued to submit works until 1882.

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